PART 2…..
So then she was in shock. She wanted to take everyone and single thing that was in there. She asked the pet seller if she could just take one of them and adopt it. And then so she did. She took a lot of care of it. The dog she got was a German Shepard. YEARS PAST. They were in the woods, Stellia grew up to be a very successful traveler/adventurer. She was chomping parts of the forest with her sword to get a pathway to set up the camp. You see, she was on a mission to collect a rare flower that was in Asia. The flower could make a medicine to cure cancer, diabetes, other diseases.
The plant was pretty rare, and people kept taking them for selling to get millions. SO then they camped in the middle of the forest. The plant was located east of the forest. “Sparky” was the German Shepards name. He was a big help to Stellia. Once they were in the Egypt desserts, and they ran out of water. But luckily Sparky led to a dried out stream/river, that had some water in the sand that was preserved. Sparky saved Stellia’s life so she thought, why not just bring him along on every adventure? They woke up in the morning while it was sunrise. They started moving again. Stellia packed up the camp and then she ate breakfast. They both ate crackers and that’s it. She was again going and running through the woods. She sensed a light warm aura, that had to be the rare flower.
She soon discovered a patch full of them. So she thought why don’t I just send these to scientists and they can make a medicine cure for diseases plus they can study this rare amazing flower that can save millions of lives. She picked up the soil, and then she took patches of flowers in a box container. She sent out a flag signal for the base camp to see.
Sparky was right by Stellia obeying his master.
Wait for part 3…..